Laying a patio
basil | 1/7/2006 | 2:16 pmLaying a Patio in Worcester.
A patio is a useful feature to any garden; there is a large variety of suitable paving
Available in colours, different shapes textures and sizes.
Tools required.
Wheelbarrow, Shovel, Pickaxe, Lump-hammer, Bolster, Bucket, Hosepipe, Builders line, Builders spirit level, Bricklayers trowel, pointing trowel, Plastic Builders float, Tape measure.
If paving a large area it is well worth hiring an electric cement mixer and a vibrating compactor.
A little care is required when siting; a sunny position should be selected, preferably near the house.
Sometimes a patio can be situated in a quiet corner of the garden, to good effect.
Measure the area to be paved and draw a plan to calculate how many slabs will be
Required, your local builder’s merchant will be able to advise and should have a good selection.
Order a sufficient quantity of sand, and bags of cement.
After deciding on position, good patios should have good foundations.
Begin by marking out the site, with marking paint or use a line of sand, and then removing topsoil.
The depth should be the thickness of the slab plus 1.5 ins. thickness of concrete plus 4 ins.for hard-core.
Make sure the surface of the patio is at least 6ins. Below the damp course.
Level the area using wooden pegs, straight edge and spirit level.
Lay hard-core 4ins. deep and compact firmly, preferably use a vibrating plate.
Laying the slabs.
Begin by pegging out the builder’s line, at right angles to the house, and at the finished height of the slabs, allowing a slight fall for drainage.
Next the slabs can be laid on mortar mix 1-part cement, 4- parts sharp sand. Use the builder’s trowel to spread mortar to a uniform thickness. Place slab up to the line, and ensuring a gentle fall, tamp gently with a rubber mallet until level, continue with the next allowing and check with the spirit level. Continue until complete. After allowing mortar to set, usually two or three days fill the joints with an almost dry mortar mix, keeping it off the slab surface to avoid staining.