Steam Dredger.
basil | 12/19/2005 | 1:31 pm
Steam Dredger.
The worlds oldest steam dredger digs a deep trench across the bed of the River Severn for Severn Trent Water to lay a large sewage pipe from Croft Road to Hylton Road. The invention of Manganese Steel Teeth in Sheffield meant this bucket dredger could dig through the rivers rock bed. Max
Steam dredging the mouth of Holt Fleet Lock. Severn punt to ferry crews to the pub. Max
Maintaining the steam dredger in Gloucester Dry Dock. Max
Dredging is nothing new for the Severn, a river notorious for having large quantities of silt held in suspension. First steam dredgers, then a modern diesel engined dredger built to attack the mud each year.
Mud has to be dredged and removed by hopper barge, then taken down to Purton for discharging at the Suction Plant. The mud is then pumped back into the Severn! It may seem stupid dumping the mud back into the river, but where else could it go?